Primary Wing
The Primary school takes pride in the incomparable learning style and unique method of facilitating understanding in the classroom. The school’s approach to the curriculum is child centric and thought provoking. It encompasses a conglomerate of diverse learning methodologies involving project work, audio-visual aids, hands on activities and inquiry based learning. Hence, by rendering opportunities for experiential learning, the dormant potential of the child is stimulated, further developing the intellect of the child .
An environment conducive to learning is created by a well qualified and equipped teaching faculty.

Holistic Assessments
This holistic curriculum gives us a broad perspective of various subject areas and a set of
learning experiences. We participate in Language Arts, Mathematics, Science and Social Studies daily.
comprehensive curriculum allows us to cater to our students through experiential learning
while also ensuring preparedness for the rigor of the examinations ahead. Physical
Education and health classes are a part of our schedule. Our curriculum in Art, Music, Dance.
Academic Support Program
Information Technology and Computer Science is taught not just as a tool but also as a subject covering areas in Programming and Design. The curriculum has been structured and adapted to seamlessly. Every child’s journey from childhood to young adulthood is immensely vital, It lays the foundation for the High School Academic program.

C.D. Foundation of Education Teachers
The teachers invest their time in organising and implementing effective teaching practices to enhance student learning.
At Cd Foundation, learning is continuous and progressive, culminating in the creation of able and audacious young citizens.
The of Education Primary Program
The Primary school takes pride in the incomparable learning style and unique method of facilitating understanding in the classroom. The school’s approach to the curriculum is child centric and thought provoking. It encompasses a conglomerate of diverse learning methodologies involving project work, audio-visual aids, hands on activities and inquiry based learning. Hence, by rendering opportunities for experiential learning, the dormant potential of the child is stimulated, further developing the intellect of the child .
An environment conducive to learning is created by a well qualified and equipped teaching faculty.

Other Highlights of The C.D.Foundation
> of Education Primary Wing
Every child’s journey from childhood to young adulthood is immensely vital, It lays the foundation for the Primary School Academic program.
- Physical Education and health classes are a part of our schedule
- Our curriculum in Art, Music, Dance and Drama reflects a balance of Indian and international ethos
- Every child’s journey from childhood to young adulthood is immensely vital, It lays the foundation for the Middle School Academic program.