School Rules
C.D.Foundation of Education is an institution for teaching and education wherein we have a set of rules to ensure discipline and safety of all members of our educational community. Every student’s enrolment at The C.D.Foundation of Education means adhering to the defined set of rules and a commitment towards respecting them. Parents are advised to explain the children about these rules and help them to understand. These rules include:
The Policy of C.D.Foundation of Education Clearly Upholds
- Every student should carry the Almanac to the School daily.
- It is mandatory to wear Identity cards everyday to school.
- Students should be habitually clean and always neatly dressed.
- The School uniform must be worn on all working days.

Students Do Must…
- The name, class and section of the pupil should be clearly marked on all the belongings of the student.
- Girls can wear very small studs or ear rings in gold or silver.
- Changing classrooms between periods, where necessary, should be done silently and in an orderly manner.
- Students who come to the School through Private transport should arrive at the School five minutes before the bell rings.
- The School students should be proud of their school and uphold the values and ethics. Their code of conduct is the reflection of their education in school.
- Senior students should be responsible to take care of the junior students within the premises and in the school bus. Bullying in any form is not acceptable.
Students Don't Must…
- Girls should not apply nail polish or mehndi during School session. Nails to be trimmed at least once a week.
- It is not advisable to bring valuable articles to the School.
- Students are not allowed to bring mobile phones/iPods/cameras etc. into the School campus. These gadgets, if found in possession of the students within the School campus, will be confiscated.
- Care must be taken of all School property and no student should scratch or spoil the desks or charts or damage any furniture, write or draw anything on the walls or damage things belonging to others.
- Students are not permitted to buy eatables from vendors outside the School premises.